
Hi there! My name is Trina and I started HEYBIGHEAD while following the stay at home orders in 2020. I gave digital art a try one day and quickly fell in love with creating designs! I shared my passion with my family and friends and knew that it was something that was going to stick with me for a long time. I was inspired by some of my favorite influencers to bring my ideas to life and what better way to do that than start my own small business! Here are some fun facts to get to know me: 

☺ I am an aspiring Special Education teacher

☺ I love spending time + training my dog (He's a Husky)

☺ I love watching scary movies!

☺ And I love spicy snacks and food <3

Being able to share my crafts with you has definitely been a joy. The amount of support we have gotten is so incredible. We are excited to grow and can't wait to expand even further! We are ready to bring new things to the table for y'all! Thank you for stopping by and we will see you soon!